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Cheer Up, Reds Fans! Thu, 22 Jun 2006 00:31:59 +0000

I have a post prepared that will run later on French Hip Hop, but in driving home from the Fete de la Musique (more on that later as well), I heard on the radio a local hip hop group trying to garner street cred in a late night SkyRock (more on that later as well, […]

I have a post prepared that will run later on French Hip Hop, but in driving home from the Fete de la Musique (more on that later as well), I heard on the radio a local hip hop group trying to garner street cred in a late night SkyRock (more on that later as well, come to think of it) interview. In doing so, their frontman was heard to utter the following roughly translated line:

“What I’m saying is, we took something from every big hip hop city. New York is in there (random guy in background: “New York is definitely in there.”) Cincinnati is in there. All the big names are in there.”

Congratulations, Cincinnati, you have displaced LA, Chicago, San Francisco, and previous main rival for hip hop credibility Worcester in terms of reputation among French rappers! Kudos and Huzzah!

Power Outage Fri, 26 May 2006 21:57:52 +0000

Surgery Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:20:45 +0000