Welcome to Have Bat Will Travel!

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Welcome Back

Well, here we are, some 16 years after I first started Have Bat, Will Travel: The Blog. Since then I’ve had about ten jobs, gotten married, had a son… and finally, finally published Have Bat, Will Travel as a paperback and ebook. You can check it out here.

A lot of these posts… man, I honestly don’t know how they age. They were written by a totally different person, really, 26 year old me. As I spent my paternity leave rereading and revising what he’d written, though, I was pleased at how rarely I cringed, how few things I had to say ‘oh, that doesn’t age well.’ I think my world view has changed a LOT in the last 15 years, but what hasn’t changed at all were my views on baseball, my teammates, the Woodchucks, and so on. That stuff has permanence.

So if you read these pages, or the pages of the book they inspired, I hope you enjoy them. And don’t be a stranger, come on by and say hi anytime.

Here are a few pictures that never quite made it into the book, BTW:

Quick Update Wed, 24 May 2006 19:22:21 +0000